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Friday, September 30, 2011


Contrary to popular perception, abortion is, at its root,  neither a political or a religious issue.

It is a moral one -  and it affects everyone on this planet. Just to put all my cards on the table I am a Christian. But I can tell you that I would still be as morally offended by this heinous practice regardless of faith or culture, left or right.

When the topic is brought up, many point to the rare and extreme circumstances such as a rape victim becoming pregnant or a mother’s life in danger. On these issues I withhold judgement for now as I can see they would be very difficult. However the point here is that the vast majority of abortions have nothing to do with these situations.

If you truly looked at the issue its hard to escape the conclusion that it generally boils down to one thing – inconvenience.

I want to say that I am not writing this to make people who have had abortions feel even worse then they probably do. You must know there is forgiveness and peace to be had. This is more to add some rational, common sense and yes, even emotional, thoughts to the topic at hand.

The question is simply this: “Is an unborn child a life, a Person?” If it is then abortion is killing.

And let us remember that not long ago women, African Americans and Jews were not considered "persons". 

I lost my first child to a miscarriage but at 6 weeks I was fortunate enough to see his heart beating via ultra sound. You cannot convince me that he was not life just because he wasn’t fully developed. I know lots of people who are not “fully developed”,  but we don’t go around killing them.

In his TED talk ( posted below) Mathematician Alexander Tsiaras explains the conception to birth process as "Beyond human comprehension.....a mystery,magic, divinity"

Some argue that crime rates go down with abortion. First of all, that is obviously a band- aid solution to a much deeper social problem and what is much much worse is that does not justify the greater crime of taking an innocent person’s life.

Some argue the child would be better off being dead.  That is simply not our call to make. We are not God. This is the type of thinking that leads to Eugenics and pursuing some type of  pure or “Aryan” race ( a la Hitler).

Some argue for a woman’s right to choose. I look at the story of Gianna Jesson (look it up) who was the victim of a chemical abortion but miraculously was still born alive. Had the abortion doctor been there ( at that time in the USA), he would have had the right to strangle her or whatever was necessary to finish the job, however he wasn’t and the nurse did not have that authority (There is now the “Born Alive” law in the States that prevents this). Gianna was instead rushed to hospital and lived.

Concerning a woman’s right to choose, she asks the question “I am a woman. Where was my right to choose to live when I was laying on that cold slab table?”

But here is something we don’t often take into consideration  - and that is the responsibility of the biological father

We blame the doctor and the woman but where is dad? If he would step up and take his responsibilities like a man, would the “choice” be different? Just because it is easier biologically to walk away from the issue, there is indeed equal blame on the shoulders of the man, or boy as the case may be, who is the father.

This is truly the Silent Holocaust. 

It is my sincere belief that a hundred years from now our society as a whole will look back at this period in our history and ask the question:

 “How on earth did we justify this?”

For some food for thought on the question of when life begins – this is a pretty interesting video to watch - talk - Conception to birth visualized - Alexander Tsiaras

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