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Friday, April 26, 2013

The Big Bang Theory, OCD and Exposure Response Prevention Therapy (The Closure Alternative, Season 6 , episode 21)

If anyone saw last night's ( April 25, 2012) episode of the Big Bang Theory ( Season 6 , Episode 21), you saw a humorous portrayal of a very real problem and a scientifically proven way to treat it. The episode was called "The Closure Alternative" , the problem is OCD and the treatment is called "Exposure Response Prevention Therapy" a subset of the more widely known Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 

Wikiepdia defines it as "The method is predicated on the idea that a therapeutic effect is achieved as subjects confront their fears and discontinue their escape response."

This is especially significant to me as I use this therapy to deal with my own OCD issues and it has really helped me!  Basically a person is "exposed" to something they fear ( whether mental or physical) but instead of  falling back to their normal, knee-jerk and often unhealthy response (their compulsion) , they are strongly encouraged to not react to the fear in a compulsive way.

Finally - I have a pop culture reference ! :) 

If you want to read more about this therapy check out this summary of J.M. Schwartz's Book "Brainlock" : Managing Obsessions and Compulsions

Below is a chart that will help you visualize what is involved: