Sometimes I think the biggest stumbling block to a person
seeking God – is religion.
Let me try and explain what I mean.
First of all what I do not mean – this is not about an
excuse to not go to a healthy church, practice a life of integrity or hold to
sound Theology.
But as God said to Samuel when he was choosing the next King
of Israel ( 1 Samuel 16:7) -
“For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but
the LORD looks at the heart."
What may surprise you is that the word “religion” is rarely
used in the Bible – but when it is the Greek word used is :
It means:
1) religious worship
a) esp. external, that which consists of ceremonies
1) religious discipline, religion
(Note: The word rendered “Worshipping” in Col 2:18 is the same Greek word - see
the passage below for context)
From Vine’s Greek Dictionary:
Religion thrēskeia:
"religion" in its external aspect (akin to threskos, see below), "religious worship,"
especially the ceremonial service of "religion;" it is used of
the "religion" of the Jews, Act 26:5;
of the "worshiping" of angels, Col 2:18,
which they themselves repudiate (Rev 22:8, 9);
"there was an officious parade of humility in selecting these lower beings
as intercessors rather than appealing directly to the Throne of Grace"
in Jam 1:26, 27 the
writer purposely uses the word to set in contrast that which is unreal and
deceptive, and the "pure religion" which consists in visiting
"the fatherless and widows in their affliction," and in keeping
oneself "unspotted from the world." He is "not herein affirming
. . . these offices to be the sum total, nor yet the great essentials, of true
religion, but declares them to be the body, the threskeia, of which
godliness, or the love of God, is the informing soul" (Trench).
The 2 key words here are:
Not that there is necessarily anything wrong with something being
external or ceremonial – but if it is has not first penetrated the heart – if it
is empty of pure love motivation, humility, integrity and sincerity ( not to
mention some rationality) then it is of no value and you’re missing the point (
see 1 Corinthians 13 etc) .
Note what the Bible says about true religion:
1:26 If anyone among you thinks he
is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this
one's religion is useless.

The 3 things pointed out?
Bridling one’s tongue – or
controlling it. No hateful speech, gossip etc..
Visiting orphans and
widows in their trouble
Keeping oneself unspotted
from the world - pure, holy, just… a
clean life.
variation of the Greek word is ethelothrēskia translated as “self-imposed
1) voluntary, arbitrary worship
a) worship which one prescribes and devises for himself,
contrary to the contents and nature of faith which ought to be directed to
b) said of the misdirected zeal and the practice of
The former and latter Greek words are both found in the following
2:16 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival
or a new moon or sabbaths,

vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,

no value against the indulgence
of the flesh.
Now we acknowledge the English definition of religion
contains elements of Christianity -
Definition of RELIGION
a : the
state of a religious religion>b (1) : the
service and worship of God or the supernatural(2) : commitment
or devotion to religious faith or observance
: a
personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and
: a
cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
However - though the English Dictionary meaning of Religion
may describe parts and forms of Christianity – the real thing - the substance of it - is so much more than
Unfortunately the
term “Christianity” can cover many things and there have been gross misuses of
the name.
I’ve met many people who have seen some of the history of religion,
including nominal “Christianity” (not sincere or understood – only outward) ,
or have grown up in a household of hypocrisy and rules only – and have been
hurt or turned off.
I ask these people to just
look at Jesus Himself – read about Him, read what He has said and how He
acted…. ( you know – Matthew, Mark , Luke and John.. and the rest of the New
True Christianity is about a relationship ( with Jesus
Christ) not religion.
That is not just a cliché statement – it is real and true, a
summation of what you will discover upon a reading the Bible.
This “True”, “Relational” Christianity -
is not binding, but
rather freeing.
It is not the closing of the mind, but the opening of it.
It is not superstition but well thought out, well placed ,
experienced faith.
Although it can be beyond our reasoning ( as one would
expect God to be), it is by no means Unreasonable.
As one put it:
“Religion is man reaching out to God. The Gospel is God reaching
out to man.”
What is the Gospel?
Enter John 3:16 … and 17
3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten
Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

And as the picture says:
Jesus is my Saviour – not my religion.
Now, if I may , let me suggest that you consider finding a
Bible, wiping off the dust, opening it to somewhere like the Gospel of John –
and read about Jesus for a while.
Forget the system for a while – discover the Person.