I don't know everything about this guy but what I do know so far .. is simply amazing. He was diagnosed with Tourettes and Aspergers ( a form of Autism) early in life and yet has broken through with his voice and acting.
What I appreciate about James is that not only is he willing to try all these things despite his challenges - he's willing to admit he has the challenges, he even embraces them!
He knows the difference between a diagnosis and a label.
As I wrote in on article on my own struggle with mental illness,
"Diagnosing is not labeling – please know
the difference. Correct diagnosis can free someone – like the truth. The root
problem is treated and the symptoms lessen or disappear altogether. Labeling
ignores the root problem and only brings the person down further – they often
even tend to become more like the label."
James can be ( and probably is) a huge role model for all of us but especially those who suffer with similar issues. Way to go James - way to get on stage, tics and all.
I'm pulling for this kid.
Read and watch his story here:
How James Durban is Overcoming Tourettes and Asperbergers